Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Selfie for the Road, watercolor by Jane Albin

"Selfie for the Road"
12"x15" Watercolor on 140# Arches Bright White

I won First Place for the Quick Draw event last May with this watercolor in Camp Hill PA.  Part of the prize package was an ad in Plein Air Magazine.  I suddenly realized that I was going to actually publish my new web site since it is listed in the ad.  OH NO!!!

Well I have the web site up and running as of two days ago.  It still needs some tweaking and a lot more work but I guess it is an acceptable beginning.   If you want to check it out, the web address is

About the picture.
I wanted to do something with reflections and the Airstreams were calling me. They were behind a wonderful eatery, the Cornerstone Cafe, on the main street of Camp Hill.  I staked out my location to paint two hours before the quickdraw start, and went in and had breakfast some fellow artists.  Then we all left to paint.  Halfway through the piece I was sweating, frustrated, and wondering what I had been thinking trying to paint these ridiculous things that I could not finish in time…  aaaggghhhh!!!!
Not to mention the clouds rolling by changing the shadows every few seconds.

So here are the pictures from that day.  I was truly surprised when I won. (I thought the judge only liked oil paintings.)    Next time please remind me to "take off that ridiculous hat"!