Monday, September 21, 2015

Class Demo September 21,2015

"Holiday Tree Trio"
5"x7" Watercolor on 140# Cold press Paper
Arches Bright White

For this simple little painting, 
tear painter's tape in half 
and use the strips, torn side out,  to mask the tree shapes. 
I like an uneven number of trees.  
Make the trees different widths and use different spacing between the trees.
Paint your loose background above the fence base. I used only Ultramarine blue and Burnt sienna.
Carefully peal off the tape and finish your painting.

To purchase with Paypal.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Farm Near Reiff's Greenhouse

"Five Silos Farm"

5"x7" watercolor on 140# cold pressed paper
Arches Bright White

This farm is just off the Rail Trail between Lewisburg and Mifflinburg PA.  
Lots of Mennonite buggies and bicycles passed by while I created this little painting. 
It is Sunday and they were heading home from church 
A curious couple stopped to see what I was doing.  
The husband said the silo on the far left is a recent addition to the farm. 
