First 2 sessions painting "Rooke Chapel".
I hope to show the completion next Wednesday.
Preliminary watercolor sketch (1/25/2015)
in Canson XL Mix Media 7"x10" Sketchbook
I was trying to figure out the colors of spring using a photo graph I took last month.
There is a light coating of snow in my reference photo.
Oil sketch on gessoed canvas. 12"x16" (1/28/2015)
I used thinned burnt sienna to tone the canvas, sketched the image with a small brush,
and wiped out the highlights with a soft paper towel.
I am using water-soluble oils. I am slowly getting used to them.
First layer of color.
I used slightly thicker paint to begin applying colors of the building.
A light value has been applied to the lower sky to define the background tree shapes.
Darks have been added to the forward trees and roads.
Second session - Next layer. (2/4/2015)
I reapplied the brick color to the church, blocked in the background trees, established the weeping cherry tree near the chapel, blocked in some more shadows and foliage.